Don't Be SAD: How Weather Affects Mental Health
Has the cold weather put you in a slump? Do you find yourself losing focus and motivation during the winter months? You may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, a form of depression related to changes in the weather. This article will discuss what having SAD means and some ways you can combat your winter blues. As summer comes and goes and the winter months fall upon us, many people experience a loss of energy and feel overall more down. The decrease in sunlight may cause a change in your body’s circadian rhythm and a drop in serotonin. While you may not be suffering from full-blown Seasonal Affective Disorder, your shift in mood could very well be caused by the colder weather. However, there are things you can do during the winter months to lift your spirits and bring back your motivation. Take advantage of whatever sunlight you can get On sunny days make sure to spend time outside, whether that's going for a walk or simply sitting in the sun for a few minutes. Making su...